Type to search for a spell, item, class — anything!
Searches must be at least 2 characters.
Pathfinder Feats
- Acrobatic
- Acrobatic Steps
- Agile Maneuvers
- Alertness
- Alignment Channel
- Alignment Channel (Chaos)
- Alignment Channel (Evil)
- Alignment Channel (Good)
- Alignment Channel (Law)
- Animal Affinity
- Arcane Armor Mastery
- Arcane Armor Training
- Arcane Strike
- Armor Proficiency, Heavy
- Armor Proficiency, Light
- Armor Proficiency, Medium
- Athletic
- Augment Summoning
- Catch Off-Guard
- Channel Smite
- Cleave
- Combat Casting
- Combat Expertise
- Combat Reflexes
- Command Undead
- Craft Magic Arms and Armor
- Craft Rod
- Craft Staff
- Craft Wand
- Craft Wondrous Item
- Critical Focus
- Critical Mastery
- Dazzling Display
- Deadly Aim
- Deadly Stroke
- Deafening Critical
- Deceitful
- Defensive Combat Training
- Deflect Arrows
- Deft Hands
- Diehard
- Disruptive
- Dodge
- Double Slice
- Elemental Channel
- Elemental Channel (Air)
- Elemental Channel (Earth)
- Elemental Channel (Fire)
- Elemental Channel (Water)
- Empower Spell
- Endurance
- Enlarge Spell
- Eschew Materials
- Exhausting Critical
- Exotic Weapon Proficiency
- Extend Spell
- Extra Channel
- Extra Ki
- Extra Lay On Hands
- Extra Mercy
- Extra Performance
- Extra Rage
- Gorgon's Fist
- Great Cleave
- Great Fortitude
- Greater Bull Rush
- Greater Disarm
- Greater Feint
- Greater Grapple
- Greater Overrun
- Greater Penetrating Strike
- Greater Shield Focus
- Greater Spell Focus
- Greater Spell Focus (Abjuration)
- Greater Spell Focus (Conjuration)
- Greater Spell Focus (Divination)
- Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment)
- Greater Spell Focus (Evocation)
- Greater Spell Focus (Illusion)
- Greater Spell Focus (Necromancy)
- Greater Spell Focus (Transmutation)
- Greater Spell Penetration
- Greater Sunder
- Greater Trip
- Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
- Greater Vital Strike
- Greater Weapon Focus
- Greater Weapon Specialization
- Improved Bull Rush
- Improved Channel
- Improved Counterspell
- Improved Critical
- Improved Disarm
- Improved Familiar
- Improved Feint
- Improved Grapple
- Improved Great Fortitude
- Improved Initiative
- Improved Iron Will
- Improved Lightning Reflexes
- Improved Overrun
- Improved Precise Shot
- Improved Shield Bash
- Improved Sunder
- Improved Trip
- Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
- Improved Unarmed Strike
- Improved Vital Strike
- Improvised Weapon Mastery
- Intimidating Prowess
- Iron Will
- Magical Aptitude
- Manyshot
- Martial Weapon Proficiency
- Master Craftsman
- Maximize Spell
- Medusa's Wrath
- Mobility
- Mounted Archery
- Mounted Combat
- Scorpion Style
- Scribe Scroll
- Selective Channeling
- Self-Sufficient
- Shatter Defenses
- Shield Focus
- Shield Master
- Shield Proficiency
- Shield Slam
- Shot On The Run
- Sickening Critical
- Silent Spell
- Simple Weapon Proficiency
- Skill Focus
- Snatch Arrows
- Spell Focus
- Spell Focus (Abjuration)
- Spell Focus (Conjuration)
- Spell Focus (Divination)
- Spell Focus (Enchantment)
- Spell Focus (Evocation)
- Spell Focus (Illusion)
- Spell Focus (Necromancy)
- Spell Focus (Transmutation)
- Spell Mastery
- Spell Penetration
- Spellbreaker
- Spirited Charge
- Spring Attack
- Staggering Critical
- Stand Still
- Stealthy
- Step Up
- Still Spell
- Strike Back
- Stunning Critical
- Stunning Fist
- Throw Anything
- Tiring Critical
- Toughness
- Tower Shield Proficiency
- Trample
- Turn Undead
- Two-Weapon Defense
- Two-Weapon Fighting
- Two-Weapon Rend