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Wall of Suppression

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You create a wall of glittering motes that suppresses or even negates any magical effect passing through it. The wall appears to have no actual substance and does not physically obstruct or impede anything attempting to move through it. However, the wall exerts a powerful anti-magical effect. Any magic item or magical spell or effect of your Caster Level or lower that passes through the wall is suppressed for 1 round per level. Spells or effects with durations expire normally, even while thus suppressed. A spell or effect with a Duration greater than that of the suppression effect resumes functioning normally when the suppression ends. The wall affects all magical effects, including spells, Spell-Like Abilities, magical items, and any effects stemming from them that pass through the wall. The wall does not suppress a creature's ability to cast spells, use Spell-Like Abilities, or any other sort of limited-use abilities even if the wall suppresses a particular application of those abilities. However, if a Creature with magical abilities that are constant or otherwise always active passes through the wall, those abilities are suppressed for the normal Duration.

The wall blocks line of effect, so no spell or effect can pass through the wall, but it does not block line of sight. Magic items or spell effects with a higher Caster Level than yours are unaffected by the Wall of Suppression. The wall does not affect artifacts, anything stemming from the direct Action of a deity, or similarly powerful sorts of magic.


Casting Time
1 standard action
V, S, M (powdered adamantine worth 1,000 gp)
10 minutes/level; see text
Anti-magic wall occupying up to two 5 ft. cubes/level (S)
Sorcerer/wizard 9
Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Saving Throw
Spell Resistance
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