Been putting together a 'fake progress bar', using the CSS Wizardry articles. Along with my best attempt at coding a sheetworker, but i'm really inexperienced with Javascipt. The intention is to make a progress bar with a 'current' and 'maximum' input box, where the code can always work percentages out to serve as the 'value' to change the bar itself. Really trying to work this out myself, but I just cannot make it function and I can't seem to send the value to the input, either. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
<div class="sheet-container"> <input type='number' name='attr_toxcur' placeholder='current toxicity'> <input type='number' name='attr_toxmax' placeholder='maximum toxicity'> <input type="hidden" value='@{toxicv}' name="attr_toxbar" class="sheet-hidden sheet-toxbar"> <div class="sheet-toxbar"></div> </div> <script type="text/worker"> on("sheet:opened change:toxcur change:toxmax", function() { getAttrs(["toxcur", "toxmax"], function(values) { var maximum = values.toxcur; var current = values.toxmax; var toxpercent10 = (maximum = 10) / 100; var toxpercent20 = (maximum = 20) / 100; var toxpercent30 = (maximum = 30) / 100; var toxpercent40 = (maximum = 40) / 100; var toxpercent50 = (maximum = 50) / 100; var toxpercent60 = (maximum = 60) / 100; var toxpercent70 = (maximum = 70) / 100; var toxpercent80 = (maximum = 80) / 100; var toxpercent90 = (maximum = 90) / 100; var toxpercent100 = (maximum = 100) / 100; if (current <= toxpercent10) { tvalue = "1"; } else if (current <= toxpercent20) { tvalue = "2"; } else if (current <= toxpercent30) { tvalue = "3"; } else if (current <= toxpercent40) { tvalue = "4"; } else if (current <= toxpercent50) { tvalue = "5"; } else if (current <= toxpercent60) { tvalue = "6"; } else if (current <= toxpercent70) { tvalue = "7"; } else if (current <= toxpercent80) { tvalue = "8"; } else if (current <= toxpercent90) { tvalue = "9"; } else if (current <= toxpercent100) { tvalue = "10"; } else { tvalue = "0"; } setAttrs({ "tvalue":toxicv }); }); }); </script>
div.sheet-toxbar { width: 230px; height: 20px; border: 2px solid black; color: black; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; } input.sheet-toxbar[value="0"] ~ div.sheet-toxbar { background: white; } input.sheet-toxbar[value="0"] ~ div.sheet-toxbar:before { content: "NO TOXICITY"; } input.sheet-toxbar[value="1"] ~ div.sheet-toxbar { background: linear-gradient(to left, white 90%, #255200 5%,#449600 95%, #adfc03 100%); } input.sheet-toxbar[value="2"] ~ div.sheet-toxbar { background: linear-gradient(to left, white 80%, #255200 10%,#449600 90%, #adfc03 100%); } input.sheet-toxbar[value="3"] ~ div.sheet-toxbar { background: linear-gradient(to left, white 70%, #255200 20%,#449600 80%, #adfc03 100%); } input.sheet-toxbar[value="4"] ~ div.sheet-toxbar { background: linear-gradient(to left, white 60%, #255200 30%,#449600 70%, #adfc03 100%); } input.sheet-toxbar[value="5"] ~ div.sheet-toxbar { background: linear-gradient(to left, white 50%, #255200 40%,#449600 60%, #adfc03 80%); } input.sheet-toxbar[value="5"] ~ div.sheet-toxbar:before { content:"HALF TOXICITY"; } input.sheet-toxbar[value="6"] ~ div.sheet-toxbar { background: linear-gradient(to left, white 40%, #255200 40%,#449600 50%, #adfc03 70%); } input.sheet-toxbar[value="7"] ~ div.sheet-toxbar { background: linear-gradient(to left, white 30%, #255200 30%,#449600 40%, #adfc03 60%); } input.sheet-toxbar[value="8"] ~ div.sheet-toxbar { background: linear-gradient(to left, white 20%, #255200 20%,#449600 30%, #adfc03 50%); } input.sheet-toxbar[value="8"] ~ div.sheet-toxbar:before { content:"HIGH TOXICITY"; } input.sheet-toxbar[value="9"] ~ div.sheet-toxbar { background: linear-gradient(to left, white 10%, #255200 10%,#449600 20%, #adfc03 40%); } input.sheet-toxbar[value="10"] ~ div.sheet-toxbar { background: linear-gradient(to left, #255200 1%,#449600 10%, #adfc03 30%); } input.sheet-toxbar[value="10"] ~ div.sheet-toxbar:before { content:"MAXIMUM TOXICITY - DANGER!"; }