!script {{
--/|Script Name : 5E Magic Missile
--/|Version : 2.0
--/|Requires SC : 1.4.0+, alterbars or token-mod to apply damage (Optional)
--/|Author : Kurt Jaegers
--/|Description : Handles the D&D 5E spell Magic Missile, with the ability to select a dynamic
--/| number of targets.
--/| You can optionally have damage applied to impacted tokens. The script defaults to using
--/| TokenMod to update Bar 3. These can be changed by altering the settings below.
--/| If you use one die roll for Magic Missile, update the damageMode variable below.
--/|Set this to either "token-mod", "alterbars", or anything else to not apply damage
--/|Set this to the bar number you use to track hit points
--/|If damageMode is 1, a separate die will be rolled for each missile. Set this variable to 0 to,
--/|only have a single damage die roll applied to each missile.
--/|Magic Missile by the book does Force damage.
--/|===================== There are no customization options below this line =====================
--=MissileCount|[$SkillLevel] + 1
--#leftsub|Ap [$SlotLevel]
--#rightsub|Ranged Attack
--#emoteText|@{selected|character_name} usa [$SlotLevel.Total] AP per lanciare [$MissileCount.Total] meduse elettrificate!
--?[$ApCost.Total] -gt [$ApDisp.Total]|NoSlotsLeft
--/|Determine damage subroutine. Start by assuming we aren't going to apply damage
--?[&damageApplyScript] -eq "token-mod"|&damageRoutine;ApplyDamageTokenmod
--?[&damageApplyScript] -eq "alterbars"|&damageRoutine;ApplyDamageAlterbars
--=DisplayCount|[$DisplayCount] + 1
--?[$DisplayCount] -le [$MissileCount]|MissileLoop
--#rightsub| Paralizza + Veleno
--=SkillAtk|( 1d4 + 1 + [*S:totale_intelligenza] ) * 10
--=EnemyDef|( 10 + { 0 , [*[&ThisTarget]:t-bar3_max] } kh1)
--=SkillDmg|( [$SkillAtk] / [$EnemyDef] ) {FLOOR}
--@forselected+| Spawn _name|Surtur _offset|0,-1 _qty|1
--?[&damageMode] -eq 1|=ThisMissile;[$SkillDmg]|=ThisMissile;[$OneMissileDamage]
--=MissileDamage|[$MissileDamage] + [$ThisMissile]
--+Medusa|[$DisplayCount.Total]: [$ThisMissile] danni base.
--?"[*[&ThisTarget]:npc_immunities]" -inc "[&damageType]"|Immune
--?"[*[&ThisTarget]:npc_resistances]" -inc "[&damageType]"|Resistant
--?"[*[&ThisTarget]:npc_vulnerabilities]" -inc "[&damageType]"|Vulnerable
--+La Medusa|[$DisplayCount.Total] colpisce con i suoi tentacoli [*[&ThisTarget]:t-name], ma questo sembra ignorarla!
--=ResultantDamage|[$ThisMissile] \ 2
--+Medusa|[$DisplayCount.Total] colpisce [*[&ThisTarget]:t-name] per [$ResultantDamage] danni [b]elettrici[/b]
--=ResultantDamage|[$ThisMissile] * 2
--+Medusa|[$DisplayCount.Total] colpisce [*[&ThisTarget]:t-name] per [$ResultantDamage] danni [b]elettrici[/b]
--&TargetString|+t;target[$targetCount.Raw];Missile [$targetCount.Raw] Target
--=targetCount|[$targetCount.Raw] + 1
--?[$targetCount] -le [%1%]|>AddSeparator
--?[$targetCount] -le [%1%]|TargetLoop
--iPlease click the button below to select magic missile targets. The same target can be selected multiple times;Select [%1%] Targets|[&TargetString]
--+|[*S:character_name] non ha abbastanza AP. [$ApDisp.Total] AP disponibili.
--/|===================== Subroutines =====================
--:ApplyDamageTokenmod|Parameters are tokenid;bar#;amount
--@token-mod|_ignore-selected _ids [%1%] _set statusmarkers|Paralizzato|Poisoned bar[%2%]_value|-[%3%]
--/|Just a dummy routine that doesn't do anything, but it is easier to do it this way than adding logic to see if we are
--/|skipping applying damage in the main routine.
--=ApDisp|[$ApDisp] - [$ApCost]
--@modattr|_charid [*S:character_id] _Ap|-[$ApCost]
--:PlayEffects|Parameters are : sourcetoken; targettoken; source effect; target effect; line effect; sound effect
--vtoken|[%1%] [%3%]
--vtoken|[%2%] [%4%]
--vbetweentokens|[%1%] [%2%] [%5%]