I'm not sure I understand what it is you're trying to do. Do you mean to have the button run an API command when you click it? For example, when you press the button it runs this command: !setattr --charid <character id> --weapon|<weapon name> If that's what you're trying to do, the button syntax is a bit more complicated because of HTML syntax: [button][*R:name]:: !&#13; !setattr &#45;&#45; charid [*S:character_id] &#45;&#45; weapon|[&WeaponSelect][/button] What *should* happen is that when the ScriptCard generates the button, the HTML escaped characters will get converted to, respectively, a carriage return and the "-" character, so that what gets sent when you press the button is the first line of code, above. ScriptCards should replace out the [*R, [*S, and [& notation, too. One of the ways you can troubleshoot your button syntax is to try making a plain API command button . [Button Text](Command to Run) In your case, you're basically looking for: [ [*R:name] ](!&#13;!setattr --charid [*S:character_id] --weapon| [&WeaponSelect] ) If you do a manual substitution for [*R, etc., and use that command line, the button generate should work the same as what you need it to do in ScriptCards. If that works, you can just change some of the syntax and throw the same line into ScriptCards. Brien V. said: Am I able to do a API from a button derived from a Rfind? I want to pull a list of repeating attacks, make them into buttons with the button resetting an attribute to the repeating attack name so I can call that from a follow on card. This is what I have, I know the setattr isn't correct but it's there for a place holder. !scriptcard {{
--+|[button][*R:name]::--@setattr|_charid [*S:character_id] _weapon|[&WeaponSelect][/button]
--? "[*R:atkname]" -ne NoRepeatingAttributeLoaded|ButtonDisplayLoop
}} I'm also curious a way to repeat an entire card if a character chooses to do a full attack.