Hello all, I'm a pretty decently skilled RPer. I've been playing D&D for many years, especially as DM. Moved to Pathfinder a couple of years ago and have been DMing an ongoing Kingmaker campaign for just over a year. It's been a while now since I've been a player and I really want to try something that isn't High Fantasy. Beyond that, I'm up for just about anything. So if you're launching into a Call of Cthulhu, or Stars Without Number, or Numenera, or Wild Talents, or Deadlands, or any number of others, I'd be super excited to join in. A little more about me: I'm currently 21 years old. I've spent two years studying Electrical Engineering. Now I'm taking Fall semester off and going back to study Software Engineering in Spring. I'm also a theater minor, with a focus on playwrighting and dramaturgy. I'm available most days and times. Wednesday is the only day that I'm regularly unavailable, as that's become the main day for my Kingmaker game. If you have any questions, please let me know; I'd be glad to answer. Thank you!