Hey, guys! I have an issue with pesky check boxes I am trying to resolve (pardon my ignorance, here; I'm kind of feeling my way through how things work). If you set a checkbox with an "attr_" value that is the same for all the input, they will swap out just like a radio button (so you can't have two of them checked at the same time). Not the behavior I want. I want them to be able to have multiple boxes checked at the same time. This can be easily accomplished with a DIFFERENT name on each checkbox's attribute name (e.g., attr_checkbox01, attr_checkbox02, etc.). But this makes a separate attribute for EVERY checkbox (Ack!). Not what I want either. What I need is a way to add the value to a single string value attribute that includes every box checked (such as "1, 7, 28" indicating that checkbox 1, 7 and 28 are checked). I have a strong feeling there is a DUH answer for this. But my searches have not turned up anything. Any suggestions.