First time poster, been having fun running macros and still very new at it. I'm running a campaign in Waterdeep D&D 5e. My players will be walking through the city. Some neighborhoods are more dangerous than others. 2nd edition has ratings of how dangerous a neighborhood is using a 1-5 rating, 1 safest, 5 most dangerous. I've created 5 separate encounter tables each one correlating to its respective neighborhood. "Encounter-Waterdeep-1" for the safest neighborhood to "Encounter-Waterdeep-5" being the most dangerous. *side note: Each encounter table is weighted so that possibly mundane things happen such as "a fishmonger shouts out his sale as you pass by" or nothing happens at all. I have a map of the city and will ask players to draw their route from one location to another using the paint tool. In my screen I have the neighborhoods color coded based on how safe or dangerous they are. A player is likely going to run through multiple neighborhoods triggering possible multiple encounters. I'd like a macro that will pop up with questions similar to this all at once: ?{Neighborhood 1 Duration(in minutes):|} ?{Neighborhood 2 Duration(in minutes):|} ?{Neighborhood 3 Duration(in minutes):|} ?{Neighborhood 4 Duration(in minutes):|} ?{Neighborhood 5 Duration(in minutes):|} (So basically a quick questionnaire on how long a player was in each neighborhood.) ex. Player 1 spent 8 minutes in neighborhood 1, 3 minutes in Neighborhood 2 and 1 minute in neighborhood 5. The answer to each query is where the "Condition" comes in. If Player 1 is in Neighborhood 1, for "x" minutes, then run [["x"t[Encounter-Waterdeep-1]]] So after plugging my answers in from the query: 8,2,0,0,1 So the above example would result in running the following: [[8t[Encounter-Waterdeep-1]]] [[3t[Encounter-Waterdeep-2]]] [[1t[Encounter-Waterdeep-5]]] All in an inline box preferably in the &{template:npcaction} {{rname=Encounters in Waterdeep}} {{name=As you make your way through...}} {{description="results of the macro"}} Pretty much creating a one time unique narrative as a player makes their way through a city. I kind of have a rough idea of the parts, but fitting it all together and having the macro recognize the answers to the query and using that info to run tables is kind of where i'm getting lost. I'm pretty sure I missed a lot of info i probably should have inlcuded so if you need more clarification, ask and I'd be more than happy to answer. Thanks all for your patience