Hey there! I'm going to be offering some paid games at set rates, but I want to have a free game out there for me to try out some things and have some more relaxed fun with Roll20. I've got a very nice set of updated maps for B1: In Search of the Unknown set up for a dungeon crawl. (Maps by J on Pintar , <a href="https://jonpintar.com/" rel="nofollow">https://jonpintar.com/</a> , used with permission) I've adapted parts of the original adventure, but I'll be adapting it to fit the PCs. I think this will be a pretty PG game, but I suppose that can change depending on the players. I would like 4 players, but if you have an existing group of 5 that wants to play, then I can could do that. Drop me a message if you're interested! I'll send a form for you to go over so I can get to know a little bit of your preferences and boundaries before we play. About Me: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/drdmrpg/" rel="nofollow">https://www.facebook.com/drdmrpg/</a> Games: Every Thursday 7 PM UK/2 PM Eastern/11 AM Pacific for about 3-4 hours. Session Zero May 27th. I'm sure that we can get at least 8 sessions out of this adventure. We'll see where we are after that. Using video on Roll20 and Discord for audio. Listing: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/292285/finding-the-unknown" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/292285/finding-the-unknown</a> I'm not going to say no to tips or donations through the Marketplace, but this is not a paid game.