Campaign about to start and we need 1 more player!!!
Link to game & application: https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/291962/tomb-of-annihilation
Dare to defy death in this adventure.
talk of the streets and taverns has all been about the so-called death
curse: a wasting disease afflicting everyone who’s ever been raised from
the dead. Victims grow thinner and weaker each day, slowly but steadily
sliding toward the death they once denied.
When they
finally succumb, they can’t be raised–and neither can anyone else,
regardless of whether they’ve ever received that miracle in the past.
Temples and scholars of divine magic are at a loss to explain a curse
that has affected the entire region, and possibly the entire world.
The cause is a necromantic artifact called the Soulmonger, which is located somewhere in Chult, a mysterious peninsula far to the south, ringed with mountains and choked with rain forests.
been playing D&D for 40+ years now. My adventures use high quality
maps (unless the module itself has a better pic), appropriate background
music in the game, some special effects, and critical hit and miss
tables. I run a tough, fun game. Your characters will start out as no
bodies, but if they live they will be heroes.
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