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Scripts Not Working

Marketplace Creator
Not sure why just signed in tonight to ready for a game and this happened. 
Marketplace Creator
Using Google Chrome currently. I am not sure of any other changes that have been made but only use 3 scripts currently.
You may need to have a player logged in.  Try logging in as a player on a dummy account, then restart the sandbox and see if it holds.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Were you yourself logged into the game? A game needs to be active for the sandbox to load.
Marketplace Creator
Yeah I tried this now as well as having players logged in. Changed to Firefox, no results. 
Does it start and crash again, or do you get no change at all, when you are logged into the tabletop, and click, in a separate tab, on the restart sandbox button?
Marketplace Creator
No change at all when I am logged into the tabletop and click into a separate tab... just get this same response when I i try to restart it
Marketplace Creator
It also appears to have happened on all the old copies of this game as well.
Marketplace Creator
I use that Aura Tint/ HealthColors Script a great deal, so good for letting players know the status of an ally or enemy by the color of the band. I have gotten so addicted to it now. This really sucks. But... now that it is not working all of the colors are stuck on what they were at and are not going away even if I delete the script. So I am stuck with a bunch of tokens that remain with incorrect status colors.
Your first post indicates you had several scripts, but now you are down to only the one?  If you have added and removed scripts, you may have gotten left with a script that is missing a semicolon.  Try removing the last script and adding it again, or maybe just adding a semicolon at the end if you can get to it in the window.

Edited 1622177853
Marketplace Creator
Valerie M. said: Your first post indicates you had several scripts, but now you are down to only the one?  If you have added and removed scripts, you may have gotten left with a script that is missing a semicolon.  Try removing the last script and adding it again, or maybe just adding a semicolon at the end if you can get to it in the window. Yes I have been trying so many different things I believe it may have something to do with the Aura Script I suppose? This is only because the auras are still stuck on all the tokens even after taking all the scripts off and deleting them. All of my old games use this same script and have the same issue. Perhaps it has something to do with the sheet I use Demon Gate for the Chaos System? I am truly at a loss. Tried the semicolon thing but the semicolon already exist in the script. I have turned to just trying to get this one (Aura/ Tint HealthColors) to work now since it is the one I require the most.
Marketplace Creator
I appreciate any assistance you have tried to offer.
Marketplace Creator
Valerie M. said: Your first post indicates you had several scripts, but now you are down to only the one?  If you have added and removed scripts, you may have gotten left with a script that is missing a semicolon.  Try removing the last script and adding it again, or maybe just adding a semicolon at the end if you can get to it in the window. Something new this time
Your recent post looks like the script is no longer from the one-click script library.  I think you mentioned multiple games -- do you have different versions of the script, or did you replace this one?  The error message also references "custom sheet." Are you using a custom character sheet?  I don't know why that would interact with the script though. One other way to cheat this maybe -- create a new game from scratch, add the script, and then use the transmogrifier to move everything -- maps, characters, handouts -- to the new game.