[SOLVED] If someone is interested, here is the complete solution (Edit the first post to notice it's solved). API : on('ready',()=>{ log('-=> fate-roll <=-'); on('chat:message',msg=>{ if('api'===msg.type && /^!fate-roll(\b\s|$)/i.test(msg.content)){ let who = (getObj('player',msg.playerid)||{get:()=>'API'}).get('_displayname'); const args = msg.content.split(/\s+--/); let skill = args[1]; let skillValue = args[2]; sendChat(who,skill+" ("+skillValue+")"); let deckChoice = "Fate Dice Deck"; let theDeck = findObjs({ _type: "deck", name: deckChoice })[0]; let cardid = drawCard(theDeck.id); let theCard = getObj("card",cardid); let result = theCard.get("name"); sendChat(who,"+ Roll ("+result+")"); let sumResult = parseInt(result)+parseInt(skillValue); sendChat(who,"Résultat = "+sumResult); sendChat(who, "[Image]("+theCard.get("avatar")+".png)"); } }); }); Macro: !fate-roll --?{Skill |Athlétisme, Athlétisme --@{selected|Skill-Athlétisme} |Burglary, Burglary --@{selected|Skill-Burglary} |Contacts, Contacts --@{selected|Skill-Contacts} |Crafts, Crafts --@{selected|Skill-Crafts} |Subterfuge, Subterfuge --@{selected|Skill-Subterfuge} |Conduite, Conduite --@{selected|Skill-Conduite} |Empathie, Empathie --@{selected|Skill-Empathie} |Fight, Fight --@{selected|Skill-Fight} |Découverte, Découverte --@{selected|Skill-Découverte} |Connaissance, Connaissance --@{selected|Skill-Connaissance} |Vigilance, Vigilance --@{selected|Skill-Vigilance} |Physique, Physique --@{selected|Skill-Physique} |Provocation, Provocation --@{selected|Skill-Provocation} |Rapport, Rapport --@{selected|Skill-Rapport} |Ressources, Ressources --@{selected|Skill-Ressources} |Tirer, Tirer --@{selected|Skill-Tirer} |Discrétion, Discrétion --@{selected|Skill-Discrétion} |Volonté, Volonté --@{selected|Skill-Volonté} } Usage: Works with a set of skills for the Character Sheet "Fate by Evil Hat". To make it work with another Fate Character Sheet, change the name of the skills in the macro: each "Skill-name_of_the_skill" as in @{selected|Skill-Athlétisme} Should be the name of a skill in the character sheet Attributes. In game : select a token, clic on the macro. It seems the deck can be depleted. In this case, reshuffle the deck.