Starting a new homebrew 5e campaign Monday 6/14 pending full party. This homebrew world is expansive and detailed, and I have almost an entire book written. This is not a poorly unified, scattershot collection of “notes” and “it’s all in my head”. No, I have almost 300 pages written, maps, adventures, classes, races, rich history and lore. It is not entirely complete, but there is plenty there to build characters and draw adventures from.
- Seeking 4-6 players
- Fee: $10/session (e.g. $10/week) submitted via Paypal; 1st game session free
- 30+ years DM experience, started in 1989
- Laid back, respectful, and inclusive atmosphere for all
- Expansive posttechnology world
- High magic setting (for infrastructure, no difference for PC's), global communication, fast global travel, spacefaring
- Players get (Core/homebrew) + 1st party supplements to build PC’s, no UA
- Some House Rules Apply
- Non-vancian magic (memorize like normal but don't forget)
- Consent/accessibility: mostly rated R, normal dnd violence levels, fade to black or off-camera for taboo subjects, let me know what’s off-limits and I can accommodate you easily
- Pro Roll20 using Discord for Chat
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