Hello all,
I am a new DM who recently started running a game of D&D for my co workers but am finding that we all have limited availability and am not satisfied with the amount of time I am getting to DM. I was looking to see if there was any interest for new or experienced players to play with a DM who is new (with some experience) and I am running the Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus module. My priorities are to have some fun at the virtual table and to create an exciting adventure. I have regular weekly availability to run 3 hour sessions.
I bought alot of stuff to make the game easier on everyone. I have all the core books except for Volo's Guide on Roll20 and I have the Descent Into Avernus module.
Would anyone be willing to play?
My frustration with my work game is that they don't have any availability to dive into the game. When we do play it is a short 1 hour session once a week if we are lucky. The players aren't really taking it seriously. For example, we have a cleric with no chosen god they prey to.
I love DMing and want to play this module. I am new, so you may have to remind me of rules or help me understand some things. But if you can be a bit patient with me maybe we can have alot of fun!
I also am interested in other modules. I am highly interested in Tomb Of Annihilation and Out Of They Abyss. Maybe we will pivot to one of those if we get a good game in or we PKO.