I know how to capture the following message: &{template:atkdmg} {{charname=Aurel Dustbrew}} {{rname=Dagger}} {{mod=+3}} {{r1=[[1d20 +3]]}} {{attack=1}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg1=[[1d4]]}} {{dmg1type= Piercing}} {{crit1=Crit: [[1d4]]}} {{normal=1}} What I want to do is tack on a {{desc=...}} section to the message BEFORE it is posted. &{template:atkdmg} {{charname=Aurel Dustbrew}} {{rname=Dagger}} {{mod=+3}} {{r1=[[1d20 +3]]}} {{attack=1}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg1=[[1d4]]}} {{dmg1type= Piercing}} {{crit1=Crit: [[1d4]]}} {{normal=1}} {{desc=This is the description}} If I just send the desc part to the chat it formats oddly: The call to post (Had to add the &{template:desc} to the front to get it to format ok) var post = "&{template:desc} {{desc=" if (spellFlag === true) post = post + "Add the [Concentration](!
#Condition-Concentration) Status\n" post = post + "Click [" + dmgType + "](!rtm Critical-" + dmgType + ") to resolve your critical\n" if (spellFlag === true) post = post + "Click [Fumble](!rtm Critical-Spell-Fumble) if you fumbled\n" else post = post + "Click [Fumble](!rtm Critical-Fumble) if you fumbled" post = post + "}}" if (post.length> 0) sendChat('', post) What I would like to do is replace or add to msg.content before it hits the chat window so I can add the description into the attack template itself.