What I mean by this, is if I have the following inline roll: [[1d6ro<2 + 1d6ro<2]] Hovering over the result will show something like this: As you can see, the inline roll still works as intended, and testing does show that placing anything after the second < does get processed correctly, the issue is that it just will be missing from the roll result. This is an issue because I wish to keep things above board as much as possible, labelling which rolls are which types. This oddity is in contrast with the greater than sign (>), which can be placed as many times as I want without affecting the roll result: [[1d6ro>2 + 1d6ro>2 + 1d6ro>2 + 1d6ro>2]] I've tried replacing < by its html code equivalent, however in that case the inline roll doesn't process correctly. The issue is not exclusive to the "reroll once" parameter. I couldn't find any posts talking about this issue.