Hello there! I am currently available to run a game of your choosing on Fridays from 10pm-1am EST. I am also looking to run a few games in between 8:30am and 12:30pm EST starting August 16th. What games you ask? ANYTHING except hard sci-fi. Is there a game you have always wanted to play but no one will run it? A game you always run, but have never gotten to experience as a player? I can take care of that! Unless its Traveler or The Expanse. It would be... bad. Here is a list of games I love, which might help you learn more about me- Blades in the Dark, Mutant Year Zero, Spire, Shadow of the Demon Lord, Vampire 5E, FFG Star Wars, DnD 5E Theatre of the Mind Style. I am also VERY comfortable introducing players to new games. There are multiple perfect games for each group of players, so lets find your together. I run action oriented games with a focus on the exciting bits of the story. Definitely an improv style where I follow the players to the things that they are interested in. There is a lot of laughter and cheering at my table. My practice is to make $10 + $5/hour per player for every additional hour after the first. For example, a three hour session will cost $20/player. Discounts available for players who play in a weekly game. Most of my online games run 3- 3.5 hours, and during that time we get a TON of gaming in. First sessions are free, as getting the right fit for a game and group is key to having a great time. My games are rad, but don't take my word for it. Here is a link to some reviews of my games- <a href="https://startplaying.games/gm/gmraynagle" rel="nofollow">https://startplaying.games/gm/gmraynagle</a> So lets chat and put a game together! This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of $10 + $5/hour per player for every additional hour after the first. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements. This game encourages tipping the Game Master at a rate of your choosing . Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements.