Ziechael said: Could you share the contents of the macro? My suspicion is related to any html replacements you might be doing for nested functionality or other advanced methods but without knowing the code in question we'd all just be guessing :( Hey Ziechel; Sorry, I should have posted it but I am leery of posting long scripts. The macro in question was an Amber CRT post by Will M. on the Scriptcards forum, page 29. David M. helped me with this. I had cut/paste the macro from a forum post and Will M. apparently had a white space of some sort in it. Oddly enough, David (I added him as co-GM) had me post Will's macro to chat (which had worked in the past), created his own macro with the chat (which, in turn, worked for both of us) and posted his working script to chat which I then copied and pasted to my macro (which worked from that point on). Apparently, even though chat wouldn't recognize my attempts to access the macro through Token Action tab, it did strip the white space out when it came up as a blue card macro error. All very weird. Thanks anyway.