Whether it's 5E, Pathfinder, or a Sci-Fi home brew - no campaign is complete without compelling bad guys trying to screw the party over. But as a DM of 15 years - I know first hand that it can be difficult to stay impartial when you know all your player's moves. And when it's finally time to execute the evil plan it hurts your heart when your players look at you with those puppy dog eyes... as if to say "how could you do this to us." And maybe some dice get fudged, and the villain's plans are narrowly foiled. You're the DM. You have a good heart and you want your players to win. That's why you need me! Whether it's the main villain, or just a cool side villain you want to explore as a one shot or over multiple sessions. I can be the heartless and cruel evil character that the party really hates - or maybe a morally gray schemer that can think up angles you may not have considered. You can provide me with a villain (or we can workshop one together), define my resource allotments, alignment, and power levels, and between sessions I can supply you with the instructions for my next moves. Where the goons go. Who I hire. Where I hide the treasures. What traps I set. And where (and how) I scout. And because I am not you, I won't know what items the players have. What spells they can cast. Where they travel, or what they discuss. Unless I manage to spy on them, or hire a scout. This means they can outsmart me. Outmaneuver me. And potentially corner me. No fudging required. And when the players have finally managed to track me down - I can show up for that session to bring the villain to life. Win or lose. I will die honorably for your game. They'll be shocked to learn that this nemesis of theirs... was a real person. - The players will know you're not biased. - You can be equally as surprised by your villain's decisions - I can match your schedule when you need me to make an appearance. What are you waiting for!? Get yourself a villain today!