5E Action Menu Script This ScriptCards script will display (to the person executing the script) a menu containing buttons for actions (NPCs), attacks (PCs) and spells (Both). These buttons can be clicked to execute the action, which will be displayed as an output card to everyone. While not technically required, there are some features that won't work on ScriptCards below 1.3.9. With any character token selected, executing the macro will present the caller with a list of actions and spells available to that character as a set of buttons. Items in the Character's "Attacks & Spellcasting" section will only be displayed as actions if the AREN'T a spell (they will be displayed under the appropriate spell level instead). The reentrant functions attempt to analyze the attack or spell and construct an appropriate output card. This should work for most 5e spells and attacks. You can define a "spell mule" (see the beginning of the script). If you do, the script will check for Ability names on the spell mule character that match the names of the spells it is creating buttons for. If it finds on (CASE SENSITIVE) it will create a sheet button to that ability instead of a reentrant button. This allows odd-ball spells to fire their own custom scripts from the same card interface (I've got a character named "Spell_Mule" in my game, with an ability "Fireball" that contains the fireball macro. When the card is displayed and fireball is clicked it will run the full fireball script instead of trying to come up with something on its own). If you wish to suppress the output of ACs from public view, change the "showGmInfo" value near the top of the script from 0 to 1. If you don't upgrade to 1.3.9, the formatting will look a little weird and the spell mule stuff won't work, but otherwise the script should function. The script is hosted on a GIST, and is available here . It is likely to be updated and revised as bugs are discovered, etc. I do intend to add support for global modifiers, but I haven't gotten there yet. Here is a sample video using the script for a couple of PCs and NPCs, as well as how to use the "Spell_Mule" to substitute custom scripts for spells. In this case, I fire the Lightning Bolt spell without the Spell_Mule setup and then set up the mule and fire it again to see the custom script.