Join my game online TTRPG on Roll20 and Discord called Firewinds of the Seas. It is a pre-gunpowder Medieval Pirate Adventure with some low level limited magic. The story will be like the Odyssey by Homer. With Viking, Mayan, Samurai, or Egyptian, Mythology NPCs as well as homebrew fantasy creatures. ALL PLAYERS ARE HUMAN CHARACTERS in this fighting and warrior game. This game system is NOT D&D or PATHFINDER, but is much easier to learn and play. THERE ARE NO SPECIAL CLASS OR RACE ABILITIES. In this system everyone can equally fight, heal or cast magic and other skills to start, then YOU GET TO CHOOSE which skills to put points in. The RELIGION/MAGIC SKILL in this game system can help you deal with situations and make your weapon attack rolls a little better and give you a little protection from attacks and a small amount of healing. This is not Harry Potter you won't be able to kill things with a magic wand. USE YOUR FIGHTING SKILL for the honor of your namesake and defend the ship! You can throw spears and shoot bows with your RANGED WEAPON SKILL or use your STRENGTH SKILL to tackle and restrain your enemies. You will also need to be civilized enough to visit towns and villages. Use your CHARISMA/CHARM, MUSIC, PERFORMANCE/ACTING, DECEPTION, PERSUASION/NEGOTIATION and INTIMIDATION skills to negotiate with craftsmen and secure contracts for lucrative expeditions, make friends and charm the royalty, magistrates and fair maidens into favorable determinations. Fix the ship and sails, forge new weapons, and build hideouts to brew kegs of beverages with your BLACKSMITH/REPAIR, CARPENTRY, and DOMESTIC CRAFTS/FOOD/SEWING SKILLS. Everyone can use their MEDICINE AND HEALING SKILL but if you do it wrong you can end up hurting the ones you are trying to help, especially if you don't have a lot of skill in it. Everyone has the same ability to hit and be hit in this TARGETED AC SYSTEM and head shots do double damage. Damage in other areas could leave you with a peg leg or wooden hand. Your BODY CONSTITUTION SKILL can help you survive negative hit points without dieing. Your HISTORY/KNOWLEDGE/INTELLIGENCE SKILL can help you learn more skill points in game, and your other skills like ANIMAL HANDLING, SURVIVAL, AND SAILING can help you ride wild beasts and horses, hunt and fish, and master the most deadliest seas. When you play your first game you will be a “red shirt''. You will get a low stat character and get to play today, it will not be a 4 hour "zero secession" of making characters. After you have played a game we can make a character. I play 3-4 times a week. Usually I start 8-9pm MST (GMT-6) but I could also play in the mornings. Join my discord server and join one of my random pick up games. If you have a group of 3 or more close friends and a set time when you all meet weekly or bi weekly I can run a private game for you and your friends. REQUIREMENTS You must have discord audio (video preferred but not required) but I am on camera so you can see if your internet froze or dropped, or if I am walking around the house putting out fires or getting a snack. IF you want to play, jump in and ask for help starting a character! Or message me directly on discord FirewindsOfTheSeas#2162 if you have questions.