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External Journal isn't Working

Hey, I just wanted to check something on  a character's background via external journal and it isn't showing anything but an empty page. However, when I log in everything is right there. (I'm GM for that particular game)
Forum Champion
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You should be able to see the bio page but not the character sheet. Are you not able to see the former?
Nope, I am not. Just a blank page where the bio is supposed to be.
Roll20 Team
Hey Ignis. That's definitely odd that it won't let you view the bio. When you get the chance I'd like you to go through the steps for Reporting a Bug . If you're still not able to view the bio for that character in your external journal afterwards please send in a support request  with a link to your game and the information gathered from the reporting a bug article.
Ignis Fatuus said: Nope, I am not. Just a blank page where the bio is supposed to be. +1, having the exact same issue on Firefox and Chrome.
I can confirm this does infact happen with all my entries in my sessions too.  This has got to be as new as the newest patch because I use this regularly in my campaigns.  
I have the same issue. Doesn't matter which campaign, game, or browser I'm using, the External Journal remains blank.
I'm getting this issue with handouts as well. Interestingly, the avatar picture of handouts and characters will show.
Same issue here, all external journal entries on all my campaigns display as blank, but the content is still there when I load into the campaign fully. The cover image for a handout or character sheet displays normally, but any and all content in the body and GM notes does not display at all.
+1. Having the same issue in firefox and chome. it used to work in opera but then i cleaned the cookies.. and that broke that might have something to do with it only started to happen within the last week
Forum Champion
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Same issue.
same here.
Does the staff know about the issue?
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Eve posted earlier upthread, so there is a team presence.
Doug E. said: I'm getting this issue with handouts as well. Interestingly, the avatar picture of handouts and characters will show. Same here, the image for the handout is there on the external journal handout pages, but there is no text or GM notes. I need to launch the campaign and look at the handout there.  Which completely defeats the purpose of the external journal.
+1 and Bump. Also experiencing issues. Has anyone seen update/fix?
Still no updates on this?

Edited 1628709411
Forum Champion
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No update and not really any public acknowledgement. Have those of you who have filed a  Help Center Request  as Eve indicated above heard any response?
I reported the bug, then got an email asking me to report the bug again, so I just reported it a second time. 
I've been having the same problems on all my campaigns, external journal is completely busted.
Still no update. This needs fixing ASAP.
This is still happening and consequentially making the External Journal feature nearly useless as well. Still no acknowledgement either?
My external journals are back  and working, pictures, player and GM text.  Yay. 
Forum Champion
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I confirm. I appreciate that this was finally fixed, but it would have been better if there had been some sort of announcement.
keithcurtis said: I confirm. I appreciate that this was finally fixed, but it would have been better if there had been some sort of announcement. Agreed. So much for transparency/communication.