Firstly, huge respect and thanks to @The Aaron for the Bump API, which has been, up until recently, my favourite script. I'm not sure when exactly the issues started happening, or if it is the inclusion of a new API (Aura/Tint Health Bars) but Bump doesn't seem to work the way it did before. It's very hard to tell if the token is on the GM layer (the token is not entirely purple, only boxed in purple now), the text does not seem to indicate its hidden status either anymore (formerly fade, whereas now it doesn't seem to fade no matter which layer it is on), and I have had situations where players have been able to see the tokens that are obviously hidden (they appear purple). Certainly has spoiled a few encounters already, and has forced me to go back to the old-fashioned method of manually switching between the GM and Token layers. If anyone has any insight (D&D pun) I would love to hear what others are experiencing, and potential work arounds. I am running the "latest" version of Bump 2.25