I could be interested. The time slot works for me and I have never played this adventure path. Played/playing in several other pathfinder games so am familiar with the system. Do you want discord information for discussion? If so mine is The Darklord#4092
Thank you for any and all consideration.
I love the Baba Yaga reference just from the picture, so this seems like a great AP. The time slot is perfect for me, and I have played a lot of pathfinder but only part of Rise of the Rune Lords and Legacy of Fire, so exploring the north will be new. My discord is Flamester#1084.
Hey, I'm really interested in playing this game. I've been playing 5e for quite a few years now but really want to try pathfinder. Thank you for your time. Discord is DeDawg40#8837
Now that looks like a fun one. Pathfinder has always been one of my favorite ones outside of second edition
i have a fairly interesting character concept i'd love to bring to the table for this ^_^ been playing since 2011, completed multiple campaigns and a whooooooole lot of homebrews, as well as dm'd multiple times discord is: Spaczer#9046
Hey there!
Ive been playing Pathfinder for years (mostly DM), but I am really craving to play again. Let's add each other on Discord to see if I'm a good fit ♥
I've got plenty of experience with Pathfinder and I've played up to the second book of this adventure path before, but that's all.
Krim#4555 on discord
Hey there!
Was wondering if you still need a player for your reign of Winter campaign.
I have recently started to play Pathfinder (coming from dnd) and the system is so much better.
Reign of Winter is probably the campaign I am most exicted to play. I love Baba Yaga and snow and Polar bears and would love to join this!
About me:
I am 22, from Scottland. Have absolutely no indication of a sleep schedule and I am in for the fun!
My Discord handle is lammywolf#1113
I would be delighted to hear from you!
My best wishes, wolf