Hello all What I am doing , I am using the Community Pathfinder Sheet and Spheres of Power for a pathfinder game necessitating characters splitting a pool of points into different magic spheres. I thought maybe I could use an ammo script to keep track of these points. The pathfinder companion script is currently not working with the community sheet due to recent updates so I went with The Aaron's Ammo script. The problem is, the macro I am using won't assign a value to the 'ammo' of one sphere before executing the next line of code. Because I have a maximum number of points to distribute, I may be left with running separate macros for each sphere when resting. That does not seem like an elegant solution. I am sure I am missing a better way to do this. Any input at all is welcome. Currently: //Zero Out Destruction
!ammo @{character_id} repeating_item_-mglipmsit2lcdstaz31_qty -@{selected|repeating_item_-mglipmsit2lcdstaz31_qty} Points in Destruction
//Zero Out Protection
!ammo @{character_id} repeating_item_-mgpewkwvon1tu5tbwqq_qty -@{selected|repeating_item_-mgpewkwvon1tu5tbwqq_qty} Points in Protection
//Query for Destruction Spell Points
!ammo @{character_id} repeating_item_-mglipmsit2lcdstaz31_qty ?{Enter Points Being Added To Destruction Sphere. Note: Destruction + Protection = 7|1,1|2,2|3,3|4,4|5,5|6,6|7,7} Points in Destruction
//Adding Protection Points which is Max Destruct-Current Destruct
!ammo @{character_id} repeating_item_-mgpewkwvon1tu5tbwqq_qty [[@{selected|repeating_item_-mglipmsit2lcdstaz31_qty|max}-@{selected|repeating_item_-mglipmsit2lcdstaz31_qty}]] Points in Protection