Hello, I am a fairly new player looking for a group to run some D&D with. I haven’t officially used Roll 20 yet, but have been watching a couple of tutorials on YouTube so that I am up to speed on its workings. I have played in one module to completion (Mines of Phandelver,) and want to venture out with a new character. I want to get better at the RP aspect of things, as my last group had little of it. More so 80% combat 20% jovial RP. I am not really looking for a pirate themed campaign. I have my eyes on CoS, Out of the Abyss or Frostmaiden, but I will do a home brew campaign as well! I am looking to play weekly, any time Mon-Fri from 5:30 pm EST on. My discord is Con-masta Phresh#0859. You can hit me up there or on here with any offers.