Oh, yeah, it works to do that, exactly. To Narrator's specific case... I added three injuries to a character, making sure they all began with "inj". Then I ran this macro (while speaking as that character):
!ia --menu --title#puttext{{!!a#getme{{!!r#n}} !!b#` Injuries`}} --row#getrow{{!!t#Injuries !!c#ffffff !!s#getattrs{{!!c#getme{{}} !!op#br !!f#^f#inj !!frmt#fr#inj#``|uc}}}}
And I got this output:

Each button would whisper the injury to the player:

Note that although the attributes all start with "inj", I executed a find/replace to remove that portion of the name, just to make the button text more readable.
Alternatively, you could have the text of the injuries all report in that same menu (without having to click on a button):
!ia --menu --title#puttext{{!!a#getme{{!!r#n}} !!b#` Injuries`}} --row#getrow{{!!r#elem !!f#.7 !!s#getattrs{{!!c#getme{{}} !!op#lve !!f#^f#inj !!frmt#fr#inj#``|uc}}}}

And, for a more advanced usage, you could have a more complex naming scheme to have sections to your menu. Maybe that is by location... or maybe it is by effect:
Whatever your classifications are (predefined list), they can become organizational structure to your menu. Given the list above, you'd want the Movement section to have one attribute, Bleeding to have 3, and Modifier to have one. Also, the head should show for both Bleeding and Modifier sections:

That was produced by this command line:
!ia --menu --title#puttext{{!!a#getme{{!!r#n}} !!b#` Injuries`}} --^^row#getrow{{!!t#MOVEMENT !!c#ffffff !!s#getattrs{{!!c#getme{{}} !!op#br !!f#^f#inj_|^f^#movement_ !!frmt#fr#inj_#``|fr#movement_#``|fr#bleeding_#``|fr#modifier_#``|uc}}}} --^^row#getrow{{!!t#BLEEDING !!c#ffffff !!s#getattrs{{!!c#getme{{}} !!op#br !!f#^f#inj_|^f^#bleeding_ !!frmt#fr#inj_#``|fr#movement_#``|fr#bleeding_#``|fr#modifier_#``|uc}}}} --row#getrow{{!!t#MODIFIER !!c#ffffff !!s#getattrs{{!!c#getme{{}} !!op#br !!f#^f#inj_|^f^#modifier_ !!frmt#fr#inj_#``|fr#movement_#``|fr#bleeding_#``|fr#modifier_#``|uc}}}}
Just a few examples of what InsertArg can do to solve this usage case. Post back if you want a breakdown on what the lines are doing, or if you have trouble tweaking to your game setup.