I'm looking to fill in some slots in the party after a slight break from A campaign. (one or two more high quality individuals) Right now we are considering Thursdays 7:30 pm EST. We use Roll 20 almost entirely (I have purchased many game books through roll 20, so any options you'd like can be made by me if not there already.) We use voice communication in Discord, so I ask for a good microphone. Other than that, time & respect is all I ask. I run a campaign set in the Elder Scrolls Universe, The campaign takes place on the northern Island Frontier of Atla. Atla was unapproachable for a long time due to wild storms preventing adventurers from getting too near. With these odd storms subsided, the peoples of Tamriel embark toward the island in search of adventure. You, for one reason or another, have decided to leave your old life behind and strike out toward the Island Frontier. Beginners welcome! Thats the main campaign pitch, let me know if you have any questions. Discord: HRB#3794