I'm putting together a macro for the concentration save, as we have special modifiers for concentration saves in our game. I want it to look like the other save rolls, and am using the simple template, with advantage. My macro is as follows: &{template:simple} {{mod=5}}{{rname=CONCENTRATION SAVE}} {{r1=[[1d20+@{constitution_mod}[CON]+@{pb}[PROF]+@{global_save_mod}]]}} {{always=1}} {{r2=[[1d20+@{constitution_mod}[CON]+@{pb}[PROF]+@{global_save_mod}]]}} {{charname=@{character_name}}} This almost works, except for two issue. When the global_save_mod is a die roll, such as for Bless, it rolls separate results for r1 and r2. I can't for the life of me find the field to set that will apply a global modifier to both rolls. Does anyone know what that field is? Or where I can find the html to search? Second, I hard coded the mod field to 5, which is what the current character has for modifiers. Is there a way to set that it uses the constitution modifier and proficiency bonus? When I try with the @{constitution_mod}+@{pb} I get 2+3, instead of 5.