Just set myself up with ColorEmote and am excited about the possibilities for my game, but I'm running into two questions that I'd love to see if I can work around. Here's my current output from running a shooting macro:
First, I'd love to have the !cem emote land before the roll template. It's listed first in the code, but I'm assuming Roll20 parses the macro first before running any scripts, which is why !cem runs later?
Second, I can't for the life of me figure out where that rogue colon is coming from between the "Roll Damage" button and the emote. It's inconsistent in that it doesn't appear for every macro called (e.g. it isn't visible with the Reload or Deploy Bipod or Suppressive Fire macros, but it *is* on all the attack / shooting macros.
In case it's helpful, here's the macro that gets me the above result:
!token-mod --ids @{selected|token_id} --set bar1_value|-1 !cem[@{selected|character_id}] @{selected|token_name} squeezes off a single M4 round at @{target|token_name}! !roll20AM --audio,nomenu,play|SFX_XCOM_M4_Single !delay .4 --!cfx MuzzleFlash @{selected|token_id} @{target|token_id} &{template:default} {{name=M4 Single Shot}} {{**Target**= @{target|token_name}}} {{**Roll**= [[{1d@{selected|shooting}, 1d@{selected|wilddie}}kh1 + @{selected|shooting_mod} [Shooting mod] + (-4) [Base TN] + (@{selected|wounds}-@{selected|wounds|max}) [Wounds] + @{selected|encumbranceMod} [Encumbrance] + ((@{target|size})-(@{selected|size})) [Size Difference] + @{selected|aim} [Aiming] + @{selected|fatigue} [Fatigue] + @{target|vulnerable} [Vulnerable] + @{target|focus} [Focus Fire] + @{target|cover} [Heads Down] + @{selected|distracted} [Distracted] + @{selected|adrenaline} [Adrenaline] + ?{Multiple Actions?|No, 0|2 Actions, -2|3 Actions, -4|4 Actions, -6} [Multiple Actions] + ?{Optics?|None, 0|Laser Sight (short range only), 1|ACOG (stationary, med/long range), 1|Scope (stationary, med/long/extreme range), 2} [Optics] + ?{Range?|Short, 0|Medium, -2|Long, -4|Extreme, -8} [Range] + ?{Target has Cover?|No, 0|Light, -2|Medium, -4|Heavy, -6} [Cover] + ?{Misc. Modifers (e.g. called shot, dim lighting, etc)?|0} [Misc. Modifiers]]]}} {{``0-3``= ``Hit``}} {{``4-7``= ``Hit + 1 Raise``}} {{``8-11``= ``Hit + 2 Raises...``}} %{Status|RemAim} [Roll Damage](~Weapons|M4-single-damage)
Thanks in advance!