Hey, once again I have a problem with the Custom Roll Parsing. A specific attribute that I send in the roll string doesn't get updated with the computed value no matter what I do. 1. I construct the roll string based on the dice mode: switch (+values.dice_mod) { case 1: baseDice = "[[{[[1d10]],[[1d10]]}k1]]"; baseRoll = `@{abilityroll} {{name=${rollName}}} {{charactername=@{character_name}}} {{Probe=[[ ${baseDice} + [[${sum}]] ]]}} {{mod=[[?{Situationsmodifikator|0}]]}} {{erfolge=[[1]]}} {{wuerfel1=$[[0]]}} {{wuerfel2=$[[1]]}} {{sicherheitswurf=$[[2]]}} {{mode=[[1]]}} {{success=[[0]]}} {{dmgmalus=[[@{schadensmod}d1]]}} {{geblendet=[[@{geblendet}d1]]}} {{basiswert=[[${vStat}d1]]}} {{skillbonus=[[${bStat}]]}} {{attributsmodifikatoren=[[${attributsmodssum}]]}} {{erschoepft=[[@{erschoepft}d1]]}} {{bbeh=[[${bBeh}]]}} {{behinderung=[[${behinderung}]]}} {{grossmeister=[[1d10]]}} {{schwierigkeit=[[1d0 + ?{Schwierigkeit|15}]]}}`; break; case 3: baseDice = "[[{[[1d10]],[[1d10]],[[1d10]],[[1d10]]}k2]]"; baseRoll = `@{abilityroll} {{name=${rollName}}} {{charactername=@{character_name}}} {{Probe=[[ ${baseDice} + [[${sum}]] ]]}} {{mod=[[?{Situationsmodifikator|0}]]}} {{erfolge=[[1]]}} {{wuerfel1=$[[0]]}} {{wuerfel2=$[[1]]}} {{wuerfel3=$[[2]]}} {{wuerfel4=$[[3]]}} {{risikowurf=$[[4]]}} {{mode=[[4]]}} {{success=[[0]]}} {{dmgmalus=[[@{schadensmod}d1]]}} {{geblendet=[[@{geblendet}d1]]}} {{basiswert=[[${vStat}d1]]}} {{skillbonus=[[${bStat}]]}} {{attributsmodifikatoren=[[${attributsmodssum}]]}} {{erschoepft=[[@{erschoepft}d1]]}} {{bbeh=[[${bBeh}]]}} {{behinderung=[[${behinderung}]]}} {{grossmeister=[[1d10]]}} {{schwierigkeit=[[1d0 + ?{Schwierigkeit|15}]]}}`; break; default: baseDice = "[[[[1d10]] + [[1d10]]]]"; baseRoll = `@{abilityroll} {{name=${rollName}}} {{charactername=@{character_name}}} {{Probe=[[ ${baseDice} + [[${sum}]] ]]}} {{mod=[[?{Situationsmodifikator|0}]]}} {{erfolge=[[1]]}} {{wuerfel1=$[[0]]}} {{wuerfel2=$[[1]]}} {{standardwurf=$[[2]]}} {{mode=[[2]]}} {{success=[[0]]}} {{dmgmalus=[[@{schadensmod}d1]]}} {{geblendet=[[@{geblendet}d1]]}} {{basiswert=[[${vStat}d1]]}} {{skillbonus=[[${bStat}]]}} {{attributsmodifikatoren=[[${attributsmodssum}]]}} {{erschoepft=[[@{erschoepft}d1]]}} {{bbeh=[[${bBeh}]]}} {{behinderung=[[${behinderung}]]}} {{grossmeister=[[1d10]]}} {{schwierigkeit=[[1d0 + ?{Schwierigkeit|15}]]}}`; break; } The attribute in question is marked bold. 2. The roll is processed: function processRoll(baseRoll) { startRoll(baseRoll, (results) => { let dice = []; let mEg = 0; let diff = 0; let eg = 0; let result = results.results.Probe.result; let success = results.results.success.result; let schwierigkeit = results.results.schwierigkeit.result; let mod = +results.results.mod.result; let mode = +results.results.mode.result; let grossmeister = +results.results.grossmeister.result; console.log("Großmeister: " + grossmeister); dice.push(+results.results.wuerfel1.result); dice.push(+results.results.wuerfel2.result); if (+mode == 4) { dice.push(+results.results.wuerfel3.result); dice.push(+results.results.wuerfel4.result); } success = checkForFumbleAndCriticalSuccess(dice, mode); result += +mod; if (+success == 1) { mEg -= 3; if (mode == 4) { let sDice = dice.sort(function(a, b) { return a - b; }); result -= (+sDice[2] + +sDice[3]); result += (+sDice[0] + +sDice[1]); } } else if (+success == 2) { if (isSuccess(result, schwierigkeit)) { mEg += 3; } } diff = result - schwierigkeit; if (isSuccess(result, schwierigkeit)) { eg = Math.floor( +diff / 3 ) + +mEg; } else { eg = Math.ceil( +diff / 3) + +mEg; } finishRoll( results.rollId, { erfolge: eg, success: success, Probe: result, grossmeister: 4 } ); }); } Note: The console.log shows the correct value, so grossmeister has the value of a rolled d10. But the line grossmeister: 4 Doesn't get executed (grossmeister: grossmeister also doesn't get executed). As you can see in the chat result: It prints out grossmeister correctly, but not the calculated (grossmeister_c) - it's just blank. The roll template is quite long but the output is right at the beginning: <rolltemplate class="sheet-rolltemplate-splittermond_generic"> grossmeister: {{grossmeister}} <br> grossmeister_c: {{computed::grossmeister}} <br> <div class="roll-message"> ... </rolltemplate> I double- and triple-checked the spelling, but it should be consistent. What's extra weird is that if I apply the value of the variable grossmeister to another attribute (e.g. Probe ) it is shown correctly. finishRoll( results.rollId, { erfolge: eg, success: success, Probe: grossmeister } ); This just works fine ({{computed::Probe}} shows the value of grossmeister but {{computed:grossmeister}} won't show neither 4 nor grossmeister ). No matter what I do - changing the order of the attributes in the finishRoll()-function or changing the attribute's name from grossmeister to gmr (in the roll string construction and in the finishRoll and roll template) or whatever - it doesn't work. I feel like I'm just overseeing something very simple, but I'm looking at this problem for hours now and couldn't find the error. Can someone help me out? Cheers!