I realized that if I manually add <br> in a rollable table item, it will insert a line break with the RecursiveTable output. What's interesting is the <br> is visible while editing the item, but not from the Table Item List. Here's an example of what I want the output to look like - the roll for Coins, Art & Gems, and Magic Items each show up on separate lines: **Coin:** [[1d6*10]]SP & [[1d6*10]]GP<br> **Art & Gems:** [[1d8]] [[1t[Treasure500GPGems]]] (500GP)<br>**Magic Items:** [[[[1d4]]t[MagicItemTableA]]] Anyways, I was trying to figure out if there's a way to include a <br> when using TableExport to import items. Is that functionality already built in, and I just missed it? It appears that they get removed while being imported, but I'm not sure if there's a way to escape them similar to <%%91%%> for [ and <%%93%%> for ]. I tried editing the 'escapes' section by adding: '<br>' : '<%%13%%>', but it appears that something also needs to happen in the 'nameEscape' and 'nameUnescape' functions or somewhere else in the code. Any help would be greatly appreciated!