Ok, so below are three results when using the recursive table functionality. The first two show the result of two tables. The first table is checking the chance of having a random encounter, 6 entries, each weighted at 1 with 6 calling another table. The second table is the resulting monster if an encounter is called for. (I know I could have weighted the first table a 5 for nothing, and 1 for the encounter, and I will probably go back and change that, but for now it is what it is.) In the first example, the rollable table result was between 1 and 5, so there is no random encounter. In the second example, the first rollable table resulted in a 6 and called the second to determine what the encounter is. Note the } at the end of the line. In the third example, I am just calling the encounter table directly. Note that there is no extra bracket at the end of the line. Here is the code for the recursive table roll for the table to determine if there is a random encounter - !rt /w gm &{template:npcaction}{{name=B1 Level 2}} {{rname=Wandering Monster}}{{description=[[ 1t[B1-Level02-WanderingMonstersCheck] ]]}} And here is the code in the sixth entry of the first table, it always adds that extra } at the end !rt /w gm &{template:npcaction}{{name=B1 Level 2}} {{rname=Wandering Monster}}{{description=[[ 1t[B1-Level02-WanderingMonsters] ]]}} This second line of code, if run from chat does not produce the extra bracket at the end.