When you have an unusually large set of token markers added to your game it becomes really tedious to scroll down through all the tokens in that tiny little dropdown menu connected to the token looking for the one use on a regular basis. Every. Single. Time. It would be nice if the tokens could be EASILY arranged in a way so that the ones you use most frequently are right there near the top. Currently, organizing the markers like this is not impossible, but it is VERY labor intensive... you have to go into your custom markers outside the game, delete every single token that comes after the position in the menu you want the new token to appear in, and then re-add all those deleted tokens after the new one manually. Ugh. Ideally, I'd like to be able to just rearrange them in a way similar to how you can rearrange app icons on an iPhone... just click and drag the token marker to the new position that you want it to appear in, and everything that comes after it shifts down one space to make room for it automatically. In the best scenario, each player could have control over how their token markers are organized, but honestly I'd settle for just being able to do that at all.