Kurt's exactly right, but you'll also need to defer the get statement (which would retrieve the variable from the Mule): get^.[&Form] I wrote up a longer explanation in the Muler thread . @Kurt, it didn't apply this time, but this question made me wonder about a "re-entry deferral" character for SC... or if that's the right concept. Basically, it would come down to how you handle the reentry. I'm just wondering if there would be a way to expose metascript constructs (or other constructs) only *after* reentry. For instance, if you expect a downstream/outbound call to set a Mule variable, you wouldn't want to retrieve it until after the SC was reentered. The hang-up is that the metascripts would only trigger if the message containing them went through the Roll20 parser, so if you store the message object from the initial SC call (with all of the processing done in it, including any command line changes and/or variables, arrays, etc.), then by the time SC received the reentry command to "un-mothball" that stored message object, it would be too late -- that unmothballing wouldn't go through the parsers. You have a way better understanding of that reentry coding, so I'll leave it to you, but I could see at least the above situation potentially solved by a SC dispatched call with a newly generated, prepended UUID, which SC would know to catch. By the time it caught it, however, the metascripts would have had their chance, too. !-M1234567890abcdef_script <<existing command line after deferral removal>> Then the messages would have to be merged (old/saved with the newly caught). This is the same process ZeroFrame uses. Anyway, it might be not worth the effort, but I thought I'd mention it!