I am looking for a way to allow a player to be able to move themselves to a different page. I want to do this to allow the players to move to a world map, then using Nick Olivo's Interactable Map Icons to switch them to another page with a zoomed in map portion with more icons that they can click on to pull up known information for that locale. For example, if I have landing page, and on there I have a clickable icon that opens a handout with some options on it, one calling a macro to make a chat menu. One button on this menu will move the player to a world view map. From there clickable icon to open a handout for Furyondy with basic information and another chat menu to go to handouts or to a page zoomed in to the nation, then on that page an icon for Hommlet which opens a handout with the information shared, and a link to a handout for player notes, and maybe a chat menu again for additional items perhaps even a page with the village map and clickable icons that move form the GM layer to object layer as they learn about the locations. A lot of work I know, but much of it would be reusable for many different campaigns run in the same world, which TWoG is my go to. Build it once, then clone it for a new campaign. But this assumes I can let the players move themselves to a different map, not the players flag, but just their view.