Hi, While developping our sheet, we noted all sorts of bugs in the relationship between the API and the character sheet, many of them related to different capitalization strategies around the variable names... The latest that somehow made me scream in front of my screen, is a sheetworker routine that worked fine when I tested on the sandbox, but not on the production server. This routine, is triggered by a change of the name of a talent/skill (which are repeating sections) on("change:repeating_talents:t_name change:repeating_knacks:nac_name change:repeating_skills:sk_name", fn(AutoFill)); First very annoying bug, is that the routine triggers correctly when the name is changed by the user, and on the sandbox, it also triggers when the name is changed by the API... But not on the live server. We have already noticed in the past that triggers for repeating sections only worked if the attribute name was fully lowercased, and had to work around by either triggering on any change of the repeating section ( on("change:repeating_talents") or by creating a communication channel between the API and sheet (a string held in a non repeating variable, that triggers a sheetworker, that parses the string as acommand line to call the right sheetworker routines on the repeating sections named in the command line) I have now another example where the exact same setAttrs arguments (that I log) don't have the same results: [Log] setAttrs - repeating_talents_-mlwt-7r9ceqeyvi6f9a_T_Mod-Type: Init repeating_talents_-mlwt-7r9ceqeyvi6f9a_T_Target: None repeating_talents_-mlwt-7r9ceqeyvi6f9a_T_Special: Initiative repeating_talents_-mlwt-7r9ceqeyvi6f9a_T_Defensive: 0 repeating_talents_-mlwt-7r9ceqeyvi6f9a_T_Resistance: 0 repeating_talents_-mlwt-7r9ceqeyvi6f9a_T_MoveBased: 1 repeating_talents_-mlwt-7r9ceqeyvi6f9a_T_VisionBased: 0 When the above happens directly through a sheetworker trigger, the attribute are written, and the exact same happening on a API trigger, doesn't actually update the attributes... (Note that strangely enough, it works with sheetworker triggers, with vanalized rowIds, and with API that gives properly capitalized rowIds, it doesn't work, whether I keep the proper rowids, or vandalize them myself) Is it on the Roadmap of roll20 o finally adress the capitalization of repeating sections by making everything caps insensitive ?