Thanks for opening my post and giving it a read :-) Here's the description for what the API-script would need to do: Activation trigger: !green-bar Output: If the API-sandbox is up, then display a green bar in the chat. . . . And, if you're interested, then here's the reason why I find myself in need of this script: The thing is, my group and I, we've become quite paranoid about some of our API-equipped-macros, after a "silent API crash" happened to us the other day, and completely ruined our session. So, my plan is to have all of our important macros do the following: Step 1) "!green-bar" Step 2) Do what the macro is actually supposed to do. Step 3) "!green-bar" The reason for this is: because then I'll easily be able to spot the lack of a bright, green bar in the chat, and then I can know from it's position either before or after the main macro output, whether I need to manually do what the macro was supposed to do for me (the stuff in Step 2). Or, in other words, this would help me and my group to immediately correct errors, as soon as they happen, rather than just letting them accumulate, like happened to me and my group the other day (plus, that those errors were so stealthy that we were completely unable to EVER get our true game-state back... needless to say, we were extremely frustrated).