The grim fortress known as Falcon’s Peak has brooded over its mountain pass for almost a century. It was built by a brigand chief who called himself Lord Falcon, notorious for his lightning-fast raids, crafty kidnappings, and utter savagery in dealing with captives. Rumors were told of Falcon’s wealth and of a terrible monster trapped in a hidden pit somewhere beneath the fort. Falcon supposedly fed captives to the monster as sacrifices to his evil god.
Eventually, the baronies bordering the pass were forced to mount an assault on Falcon’s Peak. After two days of battle, the soldiers overwhelmed the disorganized brigands—but not trace was found of Falcon, his family, or his plunder. The few surviving brigands said that Falcon and his family hid their treasure and committed suicide by drinking poison. Their bodies were entombed in hidden catacombs by faithful servants, who did not return. None of the surviving brigands knew where the treasure or the bodies were hidden. A cave beneath the fortress was found and searched, but it was small and led nowhere.
Falcon’s Peak is said to have been abandoned and untouched for over 90 years. The only ones to enter the fort were unsuccessful treasure hunters; some never came out again. Most of the common people believe that Falcon’s Peak is haunted by the ghosts of the slain brigands, and none dare enter the old fort. As of yet, Falcon’s treasure has not been found. It is still somewhere in Falcon’s Peak, waiting to be claimed by anyone who has the courage and luck to find it.
The player characters have been attracted by rumors of the lost wealth, made ever more spicy by its association with the infamous outlaw chief.
This homebrew world is expansive and detailed. This includes maps, adventures, classes, races, rich history and lore.
Seeking up to 3 more players
All core & 1st party accessories allowed; no UA or 3rd party
Fee: $10/session (e.g. $10/week) submitted via Paypal; 1st game session free─This is pretty negotiable. If you like art or world building, I like labor-trading. Vets & Disabled PWYW
For $10/session you are getting:
All core compendiums and many accessory compendiums. If I am missing one you need for your character I will buy it.
30+ years DM experience, started in 1989. Laid back, respectful, and inclusive atmosphere for all.
Pro Roll20 w/API & c.100% visuals
Expansive posttechnology world
High magic setting (for infrastructure, no difference for PC's), global communication, fast global travel, spacefaring
Players get (Core/homebrew) + 1st party supplements to build PC’s, no beta/UA
Some House Rules Apply
Consent/accessibility: PC death by PLAYER CONSENT ONLY; mostly rated R, normal dnd violence levels, fade to black or off-camera for taboo subjects, let me know what’s off-limits and I can accommodate you easily
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