Hello! I need to better understand the Turn Order panel, particularly in 2 areas: How TurnOrder acts for Players & GM when the GM switches the Player's Ribbon to other Pages Can "Custom Items" on the TurnOrder become editible (initiative number) by All Players, Non-GM's? For #1, it has come to my attention that Players only see the TurnOrder items of Tokens that they can see ON THE CURRENT PAGE, meaning the Turn Order does not appear to persist if the GM moved the Players to a tokenless page. That's been sensible when I ran D&D Dungeons. For #2, it's cool that Custom Items DO seem to persist from Page to Page in TurnOrder (as they aren't tied to a Token's precense). My Use Case for 2d20 games tracking the party's Points Pool(s) allowing all players to edit the value. Use-case Now (playing Dune RPG Adventures in the Imperium) it is a 2d20-style game, these games have Pools of positive/negative Points that's shared by all the Players. In Dune the points are called Momentum, and Threat. My method is tracking the Momentum 1-6, and Threat 1-10, on the Turn Order using the initiative field's editable value. There are numerous benefits to tracking M&T this way, the greatest relevant benefit for this discussion is: Any of the Players can edit the M&T number, so all of the PC's can do it and even discuss and help each other spend the M&T points, and this takes one more clicky-tracking task off the GM's hands. Custom Items, I tried Add Custom Item named Momentum and named Threat. The problem was, Players can't edit the "initiative number" field on these custom items?? Only GM and Co-GM could edit the value. Momentum Character Sheet (set to All Players) with "M" Token... Threat Character Sheet (All Players) with "T" Token.... Drag-Drop the M&T tokens onto the Page. In my case onto the landing page, the splash page, the introduction page, with all the PC tokens. Great so far! Add-Turn to Turn Order. Great so far! All Players can see the M&T in the TurnOrder, and all players can Edit the "initiative" value. Problem comes up when we switch PAGES to a Non-Token'd page such as illustration or star map. We're doing verbal RP and don't need/have Tokens handy on this Page, for a short time. We want the TurnOrder to persist with showing M&T values. GM's can still see the M&T in TurnOrder (oddly? Purposely? Confusingly, I've found out recently). The problem is the Players cannot see the M&T in Turn Order when we're on the tokenless Star Maps page. This ruins our Momentum & Threat tracking method. The only workaround has been adding M&T tokens back onto the margins of every page (star maps, etc). It's just cumbersome, and especially hard to remember since the GM continues to see the M&T from the Splash Page, not remembering that it will have disappeared to Player's eyes. Currently my top ideas, and why I decided to ask on Forum: If I can use API, settings, or some other way to allow Custom Items in TurnOrder to have Player-editable initiative value? If I can cause M&T "All Players" Token to persist in Turn Order from Page-To-Page regardless of the presence/absence of those 2 Tokens, on the current Page of Player's Ribbon? Educational question when switching Pages, What happens when you Copy-Paste the missing Tokens, back onto the Page that Player's Ribbon has moved to? Will the TurnOrder suddenly repopulate with that Token in TurnOrder for the Player's view? Or do you have to Add Turn again? Thanks in Advance, Roll20 Community. See you all soon for Roll20CON. I am preparing some Dune adventures to offer on here. Gold