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Kobolds Ate My Baby character sheet bug

Not sure if problems with character sheets counts as a bug report, but here goes So the Character Sheet template is supposed to look like this on the top: However, now it for some reason looks like this: Vey unpractical (especially in a game like this where you often need to make new characters midgame), and makes it hard for new players to keep track off which  Skills belong to which attribute (for example: the skills Athlete, Duel, Swim, Bully, Lift and Wrassle is connected to the Brawn attribute, which is clear in the intended version where they appear beside it rather than half beside and the rest further down). Had some friends check on their computers and it looks the same to them too.

Edited 1635980787
Sheet Author
This is the sheet author&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> . If you can't get a response I can put a fix in. Let them know there seems to be an issue with. .sheet-col-subspan {vertical-align:top; text-align: center; display:inline-block; width:calc(50%); margin:calc(0%);}
Thanks David, just sent him a pm. Crossing my fingers To be honest I don't really know where to put that line of code, would love to give it a try if explaining it is not too much of an hassle :)
Sheet Author
Hobbosnorken said: Thanks David, just sent him a pm. Crossing my fingers To be honest I don't really know where to put that line of code, would love to give it a try if explaining it is not too much of an hassle :) It wasn't for you to do anything with.&nbsp; It was to pass it on to the sheet author .

Edited 1636033951
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
David said: This is the sheet author&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> . If you can't get a response I can put a fix in. Let them know there seems to be an issue with. .sheet-col-subspan {vertical-align:top; text-align: center; display:inline-block; width:calc(50%); margin:calc(0%);} Just go ahead and submit a fit for it, I doubt the original author will re-appear. The sheet was created six years ago, and haven't been updated since . This makes it among the oldest roll20 sheets, and it's honestly surprising it doesn't have larger issues.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I thought the CSS was rejected if it contained 'calc'?

Edited 1636091597
Sheet Author
Oosh said: I thought the CSS was rejected if it contained 'calc'? We've had calc on the PF Community sheet for ages without issue... I don' think you can use it inline though. I could be wrong... but I believe calc() needs to include a second parameter though. The example code above would probably fail, right? width:calc(50%); margin:calc(0%); Without testing for this particular OP's issue, probably just needs to be changed to width:calc (50% - 0) or maybe just width: 50%; and likewise, change margin:0;

Edited 1636115156
Sheet Author
As a patch I changed the width:calc(50%) to width:calc(49%) and it worked fine. I might look at make it ready for CSE as well.
Sheet Author
David said: As a patch I changed the width:calc(50%) to width:calc(49%) and it worked fine. Cool.&nbsp; I stand corrected about the additional parameter for calc()... Is there any difference between width:calc(50%); &nbsp; vs width:50%; &nbsp; ?

Edited 1636154226
Sheet Author
vÍnce said: David said: As a patch I changed the width:calc(50%) to width:calc(49%) and it worked fine. Cool.&nbsp; I stand corrected about the additional parameter for calc()... Is there any difference between width:calc(50%); &nbsp; vs width:50%; &nbsp; ? I am the last one in position to correct anyone. I just tinker until it works. Is there any difference between&nbsp; width:calc(50%); &nbsp; vs&nbsp; width:50%; &nbsp; ? No idea. But I have since changed it to width:49% &nbsp;with the same result.&nbsp; There is a bunch more&nbsp;&nbsp; width:calc(xx%) &nbsp;in the css but I don't have time to do anything else with it.
Sheet Author
David said: I am the last one in position to correct anyone. I just tinker until it works. That's my MO. ;-P
Sheet Author
This has been resolved.&nbsp;