Hail, Roll20 players. Do you dig the new DUNE movie in 2021? Have you wanted to try the RPG? I'm offering 2-6 seats Pay-To-Play, benefits Charity Code2040 in Roll20CON per day this weekend. One-shots on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. You'll get your choice of a whole House of pre-gen Characters with Character Sheets set up to quickstart adventure play and roleplaying, for the published module "Harvesters of Dune" adventure Act 1. Attendees to this DUNE room of Roll20CON will also receive: * Roll20CON 2021 achievement badge on your Profile. * $10 credit on your first game at SPG if you use my referrel link to get in. * All the Roll20 PRO account benefits of my tabletops. * Weekend Access to my DUNE Discord for gamers. * Invitation to The Atreides Ball (in-character event, post-game) * Free Ticket to the PARADE led by Grand Marshall Duncan Idaho. * Q&A, Character Creation rules, Freeform Dune discussion, Movie Talk. * Game-use of all Modiphius Dune-themed products released to Roll20 Marketplace. LFG Link <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/search/?days=&dayhours=&frequency=&timeofday=&timeofday_seconds=&language=Any&avpref=Any&gametype=Any&newplayer=false&yesmaturecontent=true&nopaytoplay=false&playingstructured=dune&sortby=relevance&for_event=&roll20con=" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/search/?days=&dayhours=&frequency=&timeofday=&timeofday_seconds=&language=Any&avpref=Any&gametype=Any&newplayer=false&yesmaturecontent=true&nopaytoplay=false&playingstructured=dune&sortby=relevance&for_event=&roll20con=</a> This game will require payment to GM Gold at a rate of $24 for Roll20CON session and discord access, payable on Roll20 Partner site StartPlayingGames (SPG) Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements. In case that link cuts off, Click Here > < for Dune RPG in Roll20CON, choose Friday/Sat/Sunday and Apply Roleplaying Game Logo: By Modiphius Entertainment based on 2d20, my group can help teach you to play as we go. Live-Playing on Arrakis with Mentat, Spymaster, Fremen, Bene Gesserit PC: Actual Play Screenshot in my Roll20 VTT, with API scripts running. Any questions? Ask here or in the "Find a Game" applications forum. Happy Roll20CON! -- GM Gold. Running games in every Roll20CON since this site began.