I am aware that we can create links at Handouts and set their URLs so that they can roll Macros (E.g. `#my-macro-name} , inline rolls (E.g. `[[1d20+4]]) , or just type something in the chat (E.g. `/desc Hello from the handout!) I am also aware that macros can invoke rolltemplates and therefore a handout can invoke a macro that invokes a rolltemplate. However, I am interested to know if it is possible to invoke roll templates directly from links at handouts . The problem I am currently experiencing is that the URL seems to be escaping the character ":" and &{template:my-template} becomes &{template&#58;my-template} When the link is pressed at the handout and it is sent to the chat, Roll20 does not seem to be able to recognize the template name. Can this be done? Any ideas? PS: The following user faced the same problem 3 years ago <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/6528875/rolling-from-handout/?pageforid=6740097#post-6740097" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/6528875/rolling-from-handout/?pageforid=6740097#post-6740097</a>