Looking for 1-2 players, new and veteran players alike welcome, for an ongoing D and D 5e Homebrew campaign setting. Playing on Sundays at 18:00 GMT+1 and finishing at 22:00 GMT+1. The game has Heavy Emphasis on Roleplay, and difficult tactical combat. The game takes place on Roll20, using Discord for voice and Syrinscape for music and sound effects. The game Takes place across the land of Olrhune, exploring one of the most catastrophic events in the worlds history, as due to unknown reasons people have been sent back to the peak of the empire of Solan'Novas, the Elven empire worshiping the Sun god Idarin, and the events that led to the collapse of the empire, and the creation of the Bonewastes, and Desert of Iuem, and trying to change the past of this doomed land. The party is currently level 8, and the campaign is going to go to level 20. The party currently consists of a Ranger/Rogue, a Bladesinger wizard a Storm Sorcerer and a Peace Cleric. For further information, on the setting, and for any questions, please either contact me here or add me on Discord at Zylithe#7298.