I have just been assigning the initial handouts in my upcoming beta-testers' game to players (since assigning them to characters is not yet possible). Each player gets one character, one token, one character sheet, and one equipment list, all individual. Each player gets one summary of the resolution rules and one summary of the combat rules, all the same. Each player gets one situation report: one character gets a different sitrep to all the others'. There are five player characters.
To assign a handout, I had to read through the handouts list to find it, click on it, click "edit", scroll to the bottom of the window, choose the player(s) it was assigned to from a drop-down menu, click "save", click "close". That process is too slow and cumbersome. To assign a character I had to double click on it, click edit, scroll to the bottom, choose from two drop-down menus, click "save"…. That's a bit cumbersome, too. Why isn't the most important datum about a player character—who is playing it—at the top ?
I'd like to be able to drag and drop handouts to characters (or players).
Things got really bad when I tried to check my work and make sure that I hadn't got anything wrong or overlooked anything.
• There is no way to look at a list of what handouts a player has been assigned, or if there is it isn't obvious enough. Can't just look at something to tell that Kage, playing Naiooka, has all and only the handouts he needs.
• There is no way to look at a list of handouts and tell which characters or players have them. You have to open each handout individually, open its edit page , scroll to the bottom, and then make a note with a pencil on a piece of paper.
I guess it is too much to ask that I should have a table of assignments of handouts. But I would like to have clolour-coded dots beside the handout names in the handouts list that show me who has what handout. And I would like to be able to click on a character (or players) and see what handouts he or she has.
And the name of the player ought to be prominent on the page of a player-character.