Even called from a scriptcard, though, the individual scripts would still output normally. I couldn't find the namegen script, but you could try this modification of fumbler based on the one-click version. I just added a "/w gm " to the start of the four sendChat commands so it will always whisper to GM. var fumbler = fumbler || (function()
'use strict';
let version = '0.2.0',
/* Eclectic collection of fumbles */
fumble =
{low: 1, high: 10, result: "Distracted", effect: "Roll DEX or fall down."},
{low: 11, high: 14, result: "Negligent", effect: "Fall down."},
{low: 15, high: 20, result: "Careless", effect: "Lost footing. -1 to hit on next turn."},
{low: 21, high: 25, result: "Delinquent", effect: "Slip. Do the splits. -2 to hit on next turn."},
{low: 26, high: 39, result: "Clumsy", effect: "Fall down. Roll DEX or drop primary weapon."},
{low: 40, high: 50, result: "Very Clumsy", effect: "Fall, drop primary weapon, roll DEX or be stunned for 1 round."},
{low: 51, high: 53, result: "Useless", effect: "Fall. Stunned for 1 round."},
{low: 54, high: 57, result: "Dazed", effect: "Fall. Drop primary weapon. Stunned for 1 round."},
{low: 58, high: 59, result: "Stunned", effect: "Fall. Stunned for 1 round."},
{low: 60, high: 60, result: "Dazed and Stunned", effect: "Fall. Drop primary weapon. Stunned for 1d4 rounds."},
{low: 61, high: 61, result: "Unconscious", effect: "Fall, knocked head on floor, knocked out for 1d4 rounds."},
{low: 62, high: 62, result: "Inept", effect: "Weapon disarmed by opponent and thrown d20 ft in random direction."},
{low: 63, high: 64, result: "Very Inept", effect: "Weapon or appendage breaks or is broken."},
{low: 65, high: 65, result: "Fail", effect: "Hit Self in groin. Roll CON or double over in pain, go last next round."},
{low: 66, high: 66, result: "Loser", effect: "Hit Self in groin. Double over in pain, go last next round."},
{low: 67, high: 67, result: "Klutz", effect: "Twist ankle, 1/2 movement."},
{low: 68, high: 69, result: "Dangerous Klutz", effect: "Twist knee, 1/4 movement."},
{low: 70, high: 70, result: "Untrained", effect: "Twist wrist, weapon arm incapacitated, drop weapon."},
{low: 71, high: 71, result: "Vulnerable", effect: "Opponent steps on foot, go last next round."},
{low: 72, high: 72, result: "Knocked Silly", effect: "Helm twists, blind till end of next round. Roll again if not wearing helm."},
{low: 73, high: 74, result: "Poor Judgement", effect: "Wrong move, opponent's next attack +4 to hit."},
{low: 75, high: 76, result: "Handled Badly", effect: "Knuckles hit, -4 to hit until next round."},
{low: 77, high: 79, result: "Embarrassing", effect: "Armor piece knocked off, strap cut, belt cut, clothes torn, lose 2 AC until fixed."},
{low: 80, high: 80, result: "Nards", effect: "Opponent's parry hits groin, 1/2 move, -4 to hit for 3 rounds."},
{low: 81, high: 81, result: "Not Funny", effect: "Opponent's parry hits funny bone in weapon arm, -2 damage for 3 rounds."},
{low: 82, high: 82, result: "Blind Eye", effect: "Dirt blinds one eye, -1 to hit until cleaned."},
{low: 83, high: 83, result: "Blind Mans Bluff", effect: "Dirt blinds two eyes, -3 to hit until cleaned."},
{low: 84, high: 85, result: "Fool", effect: "Hit self. Normal damage."},
{low: 86, high: 86, result: "Useless Fool", effect: "Hit self. Normal damage. Stunned for 1 round."},
{low: 87, high: 88, result: "Moron", effect: "Hit self. Double damage."},
{low: 89, high: 89, result: "Useless Moron", effect: "Hit self. Double damage. Stunned for 1 round."},
{low: 90, high: 90, result: "Complete Moron", effect: "Hit self. Critical hit."},
{low: 91, high: 92, result: "Unaware", effect: "Hit friend, normal damage."},
{low: 93, high: 93, result: "Very Unaware", effect: "Hit friend, normal damage. Friend stunned for 1 round."},
{low: 94, high: 95, result: "Unaware Moron", effect: "Hit friend, double damage."},
{low: 96, high: 96, result: "Liability", effect: "Hit friend, double damage. Friend stunned for 1 round."},
{low: 97, high: 97, result: "Big Liability", effect: "Hit friend. Critical hit."},
{low: 98, high: 98, result: "Big Trouble", effect: "Roll twice on fumble chart. If this comes up again re-roll."},
{low: 99, high: 99, result: "Big Trouble in Little China", effect: "Roll thrice on fumble chart. If this comes up again re-roll."},
{low: 100, high: 100, result: "Disaster", effect: "Roll thrice on fumble chart. If this comes up again add two more rolls."}
* Given a fumble chart name (handouts without the 'fumbler-' return the handout object)
* @param chartName
* @returns {T}
getFumblerHandout = function (chartName)
let handouts = findObjs({_type: "handout"});
return _.find(handouts, function (handout)
return (handout.get('name') === 'fumbler-' +chartName);
* Utility function to determine if a variable is a number.
* @param obj
* @returns {boolean}
isNumeric = function(obj)
return !isNaN(obj - parseFloat(obj));
* Display in chat the result of the fumble for the given chart and roll.
* @param fumbleChart
* @param rolled
showFumble = function(fumbleChart, rolled)
let whoops = _.find(fumbleChart, function (idiot)
return (rolled >= idiot.low && rolled <= idiot.high);
// Sanity check
if (whoops)
// Send the fumble result as a formatted string in chat
sendChat('Fumbler', "/w gm " + rolled.toString() + "% <b>" + whoops.result + "</b><br>" + whoops.effect);
sendChat('Fumbler', '/w gm Invalid % roll given, or something went wrong. GM makes something up.');
* Performs the actual logic to determine what chart to use and roll value.
* @param fumbleParams
parseFumble = function(fumbleParams)
let rolled = randomInteger(100); // Default to a random roll.
let chart = fumble; // Use the default fumble chart.
// No parameters so display the default chart and a random roll.
if (fumbleParams.length === 0)
showFumble(chart, rolled);
// Single parameter that is numeric so set the roll value to the parameter and use the default fumble chart.
if (fumbleParams.length === 1 && isNumeric(fumbleParams[0]))
rolled = parseInt(fumbleParams[0]);
showFumble(chart, rolled);
// Two parameters so the second parameter must be a percentage.
if (fumbleParams.length === 2)
rolled = parseInt(fumbleParams[1]);
// The 1st parameter is the name of the fumble chart (without 'fumbler-') in the handout.
let fumbleHandout = getFumblerHandout(fumbleParams[0]);
if (fumbleHandout)
// URI-escape the notes and remove the HTML elements from the notes.
fumbleHandout.get('notes', function (notes)
notes = decodeURIComponent(notes).trim();
catch (err)
notes = decodeURI(notes).trim();
if (notes)
notes = notes.split(/<[/]?.+?>/g).join('');
chart = JSON.parse(notes);
showFumble(chart, rolled)
catch (err)
sendChat('Fumbler', '/w gm The fumble chart handout has errors: ' + err.message);
sendChat('Fumbler', '/w gm Can not find the fumble chart handout named: ' + fumbleParams[0]);
* Handle chat events
* @param {object} msg
handleChatMessage = function(msg)
// Is the message the `!fumble` command?
if (msg.type !== "api")
if (msg.content.substr(0,7) !== "!fumble")
let content = msg.content;
let words = content.split(' '); // Split each word into an array.
words.shift(); // Remove "!fumble"
parseFumble(words); // Parse the fumble parameters.
* Start fumbler and handle chat events.
init = function()
log('Starting Fumbler v' + version);
on("chat:message", function(msg)
return {
init: init
* Fires when the page has loaded.
on("ready", function()
'use strict';