On the surface it looks like a pretty simple task. It's already set up for Sci-fi, which is a bonus. The trick will be setting up the document for the races, weapons, armor, ships, and anything of that nature. This also includes turning the Force Sensitive into a Biotic class. So far, I have added all the races I could think of adding to a document -- converted some of the current races (just ported humans over directly; made Trandoshans into Krogans and Twi'lek into Asari) -- and created a crappy table of contents since I'm doing all of this in word to convert to PDF later. Some of the races, even if first built off current SW races, may need tweaking like I did for the Krogan. Now that you have a basic idea of what I'm doing, I am just looking for 2-3 people to discuss these changeovers, help write flavor text for the entries, and perhaps come up with weapon conversions and the biggest task of converting the Force Sensitive class to Biotic. It would help greatly if you are somewhat familiar with EotE. Obviously a familiarity with the Mass Effect universe is a must. Speed of conversion isn't a particular factor, but the ability to at least communicate live via Skype or other text messaging service where there can be a group, and relatively timely board post correspondence (I'll set up a campaign for the project) is expected. Thanks in advance to anyone expressing interest. Informing me via PM is ok.