I dont know the FASERIP mechanics, so can you describe it without reference to roll20? Imagine I'm a new player at your table and you are explaining how rolls work. By the way, you cant get 4 colours without using a custom script, though you are a Pro user so a custom script is possible (ScriptCards might be able to handle the roll). If you are using a standard roll, I think you need to apply the modifier to the target numbers. D100 + modifier vs 70 is the same as D100 vs 70 - modifier, so you could do this: [[1d100cs<[[70-?{Input|0}]]cf<40cf>96]] and if you also need to modifier the 40 and 96: [[1d100cs<[[70-?{Input|0}]]cf<[[40-?{Input}]]cf>[[96-?{Input}]] ]] Finally, if you want to show both the roll total (D100+Input), and show the colour, you have to use a convoluted method to show it, like so: &{template:default}[[ [[1d100cs<[[70-(?{Input|0})]]cf<[[40-(?{Input})]]cf>[[96-(?{Input})]] ]] + ?{Input}]] {{roll=$[[3]]}} {{Result=$[[4]]}} A custom API script will do a better job and can show the 4 colours properly, but we'd need a complete description of how the mechhanics work to implement that.