No worries; we've all been there. --not in your game . All of us? That would be too chaotic. And probably some kind of record. No, I mean learning macros. That place. We've all been there. =D We're probably going to need some more details about how a given roll would be constructed to involve the Skill, and how the Skill's value would impact the roll. What does "advantage" and "disadvantage" mean in this system? The same as D&D? As a for instance, here is a roll query helping to construct a roll where the chosen skill would add to the d20 output of a D&D advantage model: [[?{Which skill?|Bowling,@{selected|bowling}|Macrame,@{selected|macrame}} + ?{Advantage?|Standard,1d20|Advantage,2d20kh1|Disadvantage,2d20kl1}]] The roll query can be broken down into a prompt (the "Which skill?") -- which is the thing that will let you re-use the query later, if you need to -- then a pipe-separated list of returns which are represented as "label,return"... so "Bowling|@{selected|bowling}" This is assuming that you have a custom character sheet that has your Bowling and Macrame attributes stored (you can make use of a custom character sheet even if Roll20 doesn't have one for your specified system, then just add attributes manually as necessary). If that doesn't get you close enough, post back with more specifics of your roll construction.