Thanks for checking it out. My long time d&d buddy Kaladorian has been running games on r20 for almost 7 years now and has been DM'ing for almost 30 years. He's a long time DM and one of the best I've ever found. He is quite attentive of player needs, always strives for you to have fun, and challenges you both as a player and a better person... I mean he's Canadian after all :p Ok enough kidding around let's get down to business, you can read the campaign primer on the link below and you can check out the current list of homebrew/variant rules currently in play on the Tuesday campaign: *note - 2 of the current players are inactive and the current party of 4 is made up of a echo knight fighter, wildfire druid, open palm monk, and order of scribes wizard... all currently level 8 and about 3/4 of the way to level 9 (we use exp mixed with rare milestones). This campaign can be quite tough to new players who don't think ahead or rush on in to situations. Veteran players looking for a place to get into some serious RP, or new players looking for an experience rarely found in the modules, you've found the right game! We are all really chill and many of us use voices during the game. We use discord for voice! Fill out an app asap if you want to roll some dice with us! Stats are 3d6+3 stat locked with a chance at 3 sets of 4d6k3 if first roll isn't solid enough for your preference. Below is ripped straight from our Kharros discord with extra rules put into place for this game. Please note that downtime rules are not listed atm, and we've have created more than a few magic items already and have rules in place for such things like that, even rules for strongholds and followers. This is a complete homebrew experience. [] Dexterous Grip - With 18 STR and 16 DEX, a character can use one Two-Handed weapon in one hand. With 20 in STR and and 18 DEX this can be a Polearm weapon.
[] Starting Feat - Every character starts with an extra Feat, similar to variant humans. Depending on the game, variant human may also not be allowed due to this.
[] The Gods Have Left - Cannot select holy classes, subclasses, or spells (Those restricted to paladin or cleric).
[] Freedom of Speech - Free action in combat to talk (limited to 1 -2 sentences depending on their length per round; available off turn as a callout or response)
[] Absent Protection - Unless a scenario arises from the other players' actions, an absent player's character will not be put in mortal danger.
[] Cliffs are dangerous - For every 10 feet a creature falls, the damage dealt is 1 d10 bludgeoning rather than 1 d6 (Note: this is not an attack and thus most features will not reduce the damage, slow fall is an example of one that does, while heavy armor master does not)
[] Bash First, Question Later - The shove attack from the Shield Master feat can be used before attacking, as long as the attack follows.
[] Concentration is powerful - Some spells with only a single target can be cast at higher levels to affect more targets, targeting one more creature for every 2 spell levels beyond the original, such as 2 hasted targets with a 5 th level spell slot. [] Help From the Wise - You must be proficient in a skill to try to use the Help action for that same type of skill check. [] Flanking (DMG pg.251)
[] Overrun (DMG pg.272)
[] Extra HP - Depending on the game, characters are granted extra hp equal to CON mod + 1-4 (dependent on class) <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>